September 2016
Dear friends,
The summer is coming to an end. I enjoyed it at home and left my county only for the few summer open airs. Why travel far when you have it all in your own backyard? The salzkammergut is the perfect place to walk yourself free, swim yourself free, sail, paddle, cycle or, if you have a hammock, swing yourself free of inner and outer turmoils.
But for a few days now, the adrenaline has been returning.
The autumn tour is drawing close.
Joyful anticipation! Mixed with a little melancholy. These will be my last concerts for some time. No, I haven't grown weary of the stage and life on tour, but the programme is getting a little long in the tooth and in order to write something new, I need silence within and around me. So I can hear whether there's anything there that just has to come out.
With this, 10 years of consistently phenomenal collaboration with alex, sevi and hel comes to an end. (to an end…?) I had a look at the calendar. Our first rehearsal was on 25th nov. 2006. An unbelievably wonderful time on the water, on land and in the air followed. An exciting and fruitful time that left its audible mark on three studio albums, about 400 concerts and 2 live double cds.
Our concert tour to the usa last march was actually intended as a finale. But then I couldn't resist and added on a few concerts in europe. Or was it that Stefan persuaded me to do a handful of summer open airs and last but not least a short theatre tour? No matter – the bottle, no, in this case it's more appropriate to speak of a barrel, wants to be emptied right to its last drop :)) the contents are too good.
I intend to keep off stage for two years. I said that in 94 too, as some of you will remember – and that turned into what were seven exciting, directional years, full of encounters. It won't be that long this time (I don't like repeating myself – so it'll be more like eight ;))
May we keep the melancholy in check and put on a finale that will resonate for a long time. So we will stay connected in spite of losing sight of each other.
And may we succeed in setting new dreams free.
Servus. Yours, HvG
salzburg, 21st september 2016