To all those who applied ...
A total of 151 highly interesting, very inspired and touching applications were sent in for the HvG Culture Award 2019.
Making the selection took an accordingly long time, as we read, listened to and watched everything thoroughly. Often many times.
All the members of the jury were impressed by the high quality. We could feel your pulse, your heart; in the music, in the images, in the texts and the projects you are promoting. Thank you for all your applications. I know how much work it is to describe your own endeavours and put together an application.
The jury ultimated agreed upon the six winners we've announced. The fact that everyone else has to go without an award is a bitter pill - for us too. But unfortunately that's how it goes.
I wish you all strength and relaxation in implementing your ideas and a lot of success in so doing!
Hubert von Goisern, May 2019