

European Capital of Culture: Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024

For the first time in its almost 40-year history, the title of European Capital of Culture has been awarded to an inner alpine region. The Salzkammergut, with its 23 municipalities – and Bad Ischl as the banner city – are exemplary of Europe and proves that despite our many differences, we can work together towards a common future.

After his Cultural Ambassadorship for the Capital of Culture Linz 09 in the form of the community-building Linz Europe Tour from the Black Sea to the North Sea, Hubert von Goisern (above with Commercial Director Manuela Reichert and Artistic Director Elisabeth Schweeger) has joined the Salzkammergut 2024 committee, alongside seven other cultural figureheads from the region: Klaus Maria Brandauer, Tom Neuwirth/Conchita Wurst, Helga Rabl-Stadler, Xenia Hausner, Franz Welser-Möst, Aleida Assmann und Johanna Mitterbauer.

"The Capital of Culture year 2024 is a great chance and opportunity to gain new perspectives and develop future-oriented ideas. I'm really looking forward to it!", says von Goisern. "It will be an exciting year. There's no harm in there being a headwind either. It's much more fun to cruise against the wind instead of having the wind behind you."

Street music: May to September 2024

HvG - StraßenmusikAcoustic assaults of a special kind

Hubert von Goisern loves to be spontaneous: during the warm season, he'll be sparking acoustic assaults on more than 20 occasions, announced at short notice and with changing lineups. Once the weather is nice and dry, the artists show up and perform for an hour each time at reasonably busy places throughout the region. Let yourself simply enjoy the experience and give yourself over to the sudden delights to be heard and seen with a street music character. Several of these appearances will be followed by a concert in the evening. Keep your eyes and ears peeled! Read more ...

The Great Pose

The Great PoseThe art project "The Great Pose" explores the question of the currently much-discussed identities. It is a boulevard piece, right in the middle of Bad Goisern – a surprising street spectacle. Tarek Leitner rescued thousands of negatives from the former local photo studio and, through his project, makes the people of Goisern visible as they lived a generation ago – and those who visit the 2024 Capital of Culture. Portrait photos from the 1980s and 1990s will be exhibited in Bad Goisern as part of the project. For the opening, Hubert von Goisern was invited to discuss Salzkammergut identity. The musician originally adopted his stage name as an act of revenge – against his hometown, where his "alienation" and development of the region's traditional folk music were once considered taboo.

Klassik-Treffpunkt: Live from the Radiokulturhaus


This year is a particularly active one for Hubert von Goisern - as a member of the Salzkammergut 2024 committee he's curating a number of programmes for the Capital of Culture year, from the opening to "Soil protection and vacancy as an opportunity" (he's always been up for ideas beyond the bounds of music) to street music. He'll be strapping on the Styrian accordion and eliciting sounds full of tenderness and playing pure folk music among all kinds of cross-border sounds. On Saturday, 24th February, Hubert von Goisern spoke to Albert Hosp at the Radiokulturhaus.

Capital of Culture Opening Ceremony: 20 January 2024

Chor der 1000

Choir of 1000

The year of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut will be opened on 20 January with a festival concert to be held in the Kurpark in Bad Ischl. With one of the oldest forms of communication in the alpine world, the yodel, the noise of the world will be transformed by a 1000-voice choir. Singers of all ages from choirs across Upper Austria and Upper Styria are set to perform a programme under the leadership of Hubert von Goisern and choir director and vocal trainer Susanne Fabian. Read more ...

Salz Seen Land (Salt Lakes Country)

Salz Seen Land

European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 in words and pictures

Naturally compact, shaped by mountains, lakes and rivers that divide as well as connect, the Salzkammergut stands as an example to many other parts of the world, showing how we can meet the increasing political, cultural, commercial and environmental challenges facing Europe and the globe. Renowned figures from literature, the sciences and arts give deep insights into the region, its culture and people. With contributions from Conchita Wurst, René Freund, Barbara Frischmuth, Hubert von Goisern and more. Order the book ...

The Great Space Walk

Great Space WalkFrom a bathroom to the Bad Ischl Catholic church, over meadows to the Totes Gebirge
and back to daily life

The Great Space Walk (Großer Welt-Raum-Weg) is an audio piece by Christoph Viscorsum and Andreas Hagelüken that leads from our seemingly perfectly arranged world into wild, radical, original nature: from the bathroom to the Bad Ischl Catholic church, over meadows to the Totes Gebirge and back to daily life. Audio tracks on your smartphone of carefully curated interviews with people from all walks of life serve as markers as you make your way through fourteen experience spaces. Among those to be heard are Hubert von Goisern, Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner, David Steindl-Rast and Rebecca Raue.

Soil protection in the Salzkammergut

Bodenschutz und Leerstand als Chance - Pressegespräch

Soil protection and vacancy as an opportunity

What is necessary in order to preserve valuable land in the Salzkammergut region and how can a use of vacant properties be useful in doing so? On the initiative of Hubert von Goisern, this project will carefully examine the use of land in the Salzkammergut region, localise specific drivers and identify regional challenges. The goal is to develop approaches to improving the use and accessibility of land, such as by recycling brownfield sites and mobilising vacant lots, in order to be able to present sensible strategies to decision-makers in the form of a publication. Read more ...

Find out more about all Capital of Culture projects at